
Nikki Puzzo

I can’t say enough good things about the healings and recommendations that Rosalia provides. I have found it most helpful being able to release the feelings surrounding issues enough to see clearly “what is behind it”, and then being able to assess a remedy or change. I have really been able to get a handle on my professional and personal relationships. She provides me with tools that I use all the time, both at work and in my personal life.  I feel that I am “coming into my own” right now and the work we have been doing has helped tremendously to guide that growth in a healthy direction.

Every time I speak with Rosalia (her voice instantly grounds me, a soothing voice), I am glowing with gratitude. I always remind myself of how lucky this community is to have such a wonderful person/ resource in our midst.   Simply put, Rosalia has helped me. Her phone therapy option allowed me to receive counselling when I might not have otherwise.

Rosalia has a knack for knowing when to ask the right questions and an ability to uncover issues in a safe and comfortable way. I would recommend her to anyone who feels they need some support, and to anyone who wants to find peace and joy in their relationship with self and others.

Nikki Puzzo

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