Frequently Asked Questions
How do you work?
With every intuitive reading I leave it up to my Guides, God, Source, and Angels.
I channel the healing energy or messages that are most suited for you at that time.
Intuitively, I ‘see’ areas of the body that are out of balance or where emotional cords are attached to the body. Emotional release of these cords is possible if you are willing to surrender them and believe you are worthy of healing.
All physical, emotional and spiritual healing comes from a place within and comes from a willingness to to heal.
I just facilitate.
Self-acceptance creates true healing.
What can I expect from a reading?
Readings can be 30, 45 or 60 minutes, depending on client preference.
Before a reading I channel a short message from the guides to help me to understand the person coming in for a reading.
This message is channeled from Source. I just deliver the message.
At the time of the appointment, I call you with the phone number that you provide and we can begin the reading.
What do I need to prepare for my reading?
My hope is that you come to the reading with an open mind and an open heart. No preparation is needed.
If you come to the reading with predetermined expectations, then the reading will not be as effective as the energy is being controlled, rather than it free flowing.
Overthinking creates blocks and keeps energy “stuck” because it is created from a place of fear.
Sit back and breathe and know that you are worthy of loving messages. The loving messages are not always what you want to hear but what you need to hear at this time.
Can I submit a testimonial?
Yes. I welcome those who I've worked with to share their experience to guide others in their healing journey.
You can submit your testimonials to
What are your fees?
When connecting with me, I will determine which services I am guided to channel for you.
Fees are based on time and type of service.
$140 per hour session.
Appointments can be made in increments as follows:
15 mins... $ 35.00
30 mins... $ 70.00
45 mins... $ 105.00
60 mins... $ 140.00
How can we get started?
Schedule a call with Rosalia to determine the type of session you will have.