
Daniela R.

It is with great pleasure that I offer this testimonial of your services and my experience as a result of your readings. Firstly, you provided an atmosphere of empathy and understanding of how personal it is to be sharing this process and felt complete trust and faith between us. I had a list of questions ready for you regarding health, work, future goals, my relationships with people in my life, etc. and each was answered quickly and effortlessly by you.

There were many occasions where you demonstrated knowledge of many personal details of my life which no one else can possibly have access to. My deceased grandmother also stepped forward during my reading and I had a greater understanding of the depth of our love for each other and how we had shared many past lives together and this was a great comfort to me.

I asked Rosalia what limiting beliefs I had which was creating a boundary for greater personal success in my life and she answered these questions and provided details of the occasion when I made the decision as a child to hold onto this limiting belief about myself and how it has affected me my whole life and how I see myself and my relationships with the people around me. Her responding statements were the beginning of my journey to become a happier ‘me’.

I have worked hard at shedding those perceptions and beliefs so that I can be more at peace in my life and Rosalia’s suggestions and words of wisdom have always remained the central focus of my goals for the person I want to become.

When I decided to become a spiritual healer it was Rosalia that encouraged me to continue and that what she saw in my future has encouraged me to keep to my chosen path even though there have been many blocks and challenges to overcome.

I have had sessions with many other healers and I can say with certainty that Rosalia’s abilities rises above them all and her wisdom and healing powers will set you on a path of self-discovery and healing which will free you from anxiety, self-sabotage and fears as you create a life filled with joy, faith and self-love.

Rosalia you offer so much to so many people and I know with certainty that you are blessed and you are the chosen one!

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